Swallowing and Feeding Rehabilitation

If you have even one of the symptoms, then you could be at risk for aspiration due to dysphagia!
Dysphagia refers to impairment in swallowing and/or feeding skills in an individual. The problem can lie in any of the three phases of swallowing – oral, pharyngeal, and oesophageal phase. Your speech and swallow therapist will provide more insight into these swallowing functions (click here to connect with a speech therapist NOW).

For adults, the signs of dysphagia to look out for are:

If left untreated, this can cause various complications that can get you even hospitalized!
The individual’s feeding and swallowing skills are assessed, and a treatment plan is developed based on the findings. Intervention will focus on improving the efficiency of swallowing skills through various rehabilitation exercises, and compensatory techniques such as making modifications in posture, and food texture. There are several reasons that an individual will end up with dysphagia (swallowing disorder), such as neurological conditions due to cerebrovascular accidents such as stroke.
Contact us now if you have queries or like to have a quick screening for swallowing.

Woolly Bears LLP

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