
Voice is produced through a combination of the respiratory system and the phonatory system. Any dysfunction in this process will cause an abnormal voice. To get more insight on this from a professional

Some of the major causes of voice problems are:

Muscular tension (mostly due to prolonged voice use)
Psychological trauma (most cases causing loss of voice)
Structural deviation
Neurological problems

Some of the signs to look out for that can indicate a voice abnormality are:

Intermediate loss of voice while speaking
Breathing issues while speaking
Abnormal high or low pitch
Physical strain or pain while talking
Difficulty in maintaining stable loudness
Difficulty in talking continuously
Excessive throat-clearing
Double voice while speaking
Coughing during or after speaking
If you are susceptible to voice problems such as having an occupation that requires prolonged voice use (teacher, politician, radio jockey, orator, etc), yelling or shouting often, or poor eating habits, you are at risk of having a voice problem!
If you are screened positive for a voice problem, a subjective and objective assessment of your voice will be done, followed by which the type and degree of the problem will be determined by a speech therapist. Then a tailor-made management will be formulated to improve your voice. Contact us now to get started!

Woolly Bears LLP

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