
It is a genetic congenital condition that causes altercations in physical appearance, cognitive abilities, sensorimotor development, speech and language skills, and emotional and social skills.
Typically, every human cell has a nucleus in which chromosomes are present. They occur in pairs, typically 23 pairs in each cell (46 chromosomes). But individuals with Down’s syndrome, have 47 chromosomes, where chromosome 21 is replicated (three instead of two). This trisomy 21 is attributed to the altered development.
One in 700-800 babies are born with Down’s syndrome, where the mother’s age of conceiving the child determines the risk of producing a child with this syndrome. Approximately, 28- 40% of individuals with Down’s syndrome have thyroid gland dysfunctions. About 5-8% of children have hip joint dysfunction, such as hip subluxation. (Makhov, A. S. et al., 2020)

Because of this, all individuals with Down’s syndrome have distinctive features which are commonly seen. They are:

Epicanthal eyes (upper eyelids covering the inner corner of the eye)
Flattened nasal bridge
Short stature
One crease in the hand (Palmar crease)
Protruding tongue due to macroglossia (atypical large tongue)
Small hands and feet
Reduced muscle tone
Low-set ears
Gastrointestinal problems
Some of the children with Down’s syndrome may show characteristics like impulsivity, egotism, heightened emotions, poor self-control, and compulsiveness. But in most cases, they are reported to be friendly, and comprehensive and can learn to control their emotions and behaviour in most of the social situations. (Makhov, A. S. et al., 2020)
An inter-disciplinary evaluation and management will help the individuals with Down’s syndrome participate in social situations efficiently and manage their own daily activities of living. On vocational training, they are proven to be efficient and productive workers. Contact us to know more about Down’s syndrome and the services related to them.

Woolly Bears LLP

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