Spectrum Disorder

Autism is a neurodivergent condition where the social communication aspects of an individual have deviated from the typical standards of social interactions.
3.9% of people in Asia are said to have autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ASD is becoming more common in South Asia, with prevalence rates ranging from 0.09% in India (Rasool, A et al., 2023)
According to DSM 5, Asperger's syndrome, Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD), and Autism are now combined under a single diagnosis called autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
A clinical psychologist will diagnose autism spectrum disorder based on DSM 5 criteria. The management will involve several professionals such as a clinical psychologist, speech and language therapist, occupational therapist, etc depending on the child’s needs and deficits.

The main behaviors to look out for are,

Repetitive and restricted behaviors sensory issues (tactile, auditory, visual, gustatory olfactory, proprioception, vestibular, and interoception sense),
Behavioral problems with adapting or being flexible in a social situation,
Focalized interest in certain skills, topics, or behavior,
Avoiding social or academic situations that require interaction,
Deficits in emotional capabilities (such as understanding people's intention or intent during verbal or nonverbal communication)

In children specifically, we look out for early signs such as:

Humming or making sounds continuously
Stereotypical or repetitive hand movements
Poor or no response to name-call
Poor eye contact
Self-injurious behavior (biting, banging the head)
Heightened seeking for certain textures, movements, or light
Rigidity in daily activities (gets upset if the routine is disturbed)
Poor peer interaction
Vacant stare most of the time
Aversion to other’s touch
Extremely picky with food
Does not involve or hardly involve in combined play
Academic difficulty (poor reading and writing skills)
Injurious behavior to others (biting, pinching, hitting)
Aversion to sounds or lights or certain textures (such as avoiding brushing)
Selective attention (hard to grab attention on demand), difficulty understanding complex language (analogy, jokes, humor, metaphor, indirect sentences)
If you notice any of the behaviors listed above or other unusual behaviors that are not listed here, kindly reach out to us now!

Woolly Bears LLP

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